Thursday, July 30, 2009

Here we go!

Well, I should be in bed, but I am doing last minute checks to make sure I don't forget anything.

I tucked the girls in and read them stories. I told them that I would tell all the kids in Rwanda about them.

I printed my Rwanda-English dictionary (found only in a blog from a girl named Morgan), and hope to learn enough to be polite and communicate with our co-workers.

Right now, it looks like our materials won't arrive until Tuesday or Wednesday, so I think we will start with VBS, and then work like crazy the last 4-5 days in Rwanda. Pray for a speedy delivery so that we can make sure we finish before we leave.

My real desire is that God does something profound. I have no expectations about what that should be, but I want to be there to see it unfold. My prayer all along has been to give me a passion and a purpose, and for Him to do all the rest.

I was thinking about the concept of Builder's without Borders, and remebered back to flying over the north African desert last time I went over. You didn't see and borders from the sky. There are no limits, no boundaries, no insurmountable odds. We go where God wants us. Where he has prepared the way.

I remember the faces of the kids. They had nothing, were living in huts, and many had lost their parents. But they had hope. They had joy. They believe in tomorrow, but live every "today".

For me, this trip is less about doing something for them, than it is to see how hope, faith, love and passion for work can bring worlds together, make opportunities for poor kids living in small huts, and make grown men cry when they hear 300 kids sing songs to God at the beginning of school.

I know....sounds like some big expectations.

We have a big God.

Signing off until August 2nd - when I will be in Kigali, Rwanda

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