Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Get Ready to Watch Some Dust Fly!

As of about 3:00 today, we got confirmation that the third shipping container has made it into the customs yard in Kigali. We have gotten permission from the customs Commissioner to deliver the container directly to the site, and they will come do the inspection as we unload.

Dan, Brad and Luca went into town around 3:30 to see if we could get the containers delivered tonight. Hopefully, they arrive on site before dark, and we can at least hit it hard in the morning.

Tomorrow, I will upload pictures from the end of the day, and you will hopefully see completed trusses waiting for installation and walls on the ground upright and in place.

As for me, I spent the afternoon playing what was supposed to be American Football (but actually looked a lot more like rugby) with two groups of Rwandan kids - each about 50 students. I did pretty well......at first.....okay, untill I had to start running. I am sitting here feeling my hamstrings tighten up. Tomorrow, I will have to do work that doesn't require me to bend over.

There is a young lady here from California, her name is Charlotte. She has a beautiful voice, and I sat and listened to her sing worship songs. On top of that, one of the students prayed yesterday at the end of camp. He prayed for his family, to keep them healthy and safe. He prayed for us, thanking God that we came, and asked God to help us finish our work. He prayed for his teachers, that they stay safe and can continue to work at the school. He prayed for his government, that they make the right decisions. And he prayed for the students, that they stay safe, can continue to come to school, and that God will direct them.

Between the praise songs and the prayer, I am reminded that it really is very simple. We make it all too difficult. They have very little, don't have many toys (if any), there parents struggle to make ends meet, their country lost almost 900,000 friends and family members to genecide, and they are thankful. There are dozens of kids that go up to ALL of us and shake our hands and say, "thank you" before they leave each day.

I need to be more thankful.

For my wife, my beautiful girls, my family.
For my job, which have given me the opportunity to do work I enjoy and with people I respect
For freedom
For friends who reach out to my kids
But mostly, to a God who watches out for me

He is God, I am not. But I will praise him regardless of the circumstances.

I am learning that from my Rwandan friends.


  1. I'm sure NEALE would love to bring one home with HER! I had to laugh at the picture of Tim, leave it to him to find one the topless statue in town! Ha! The girls stayed overnight with Meme and Papa last night. We have a dead Armadillo in our side yard. All the fun stuff happens when you go out of town. Yuck. My dad is coming by later and he'll help me bag it up. Not doing anything today, just hanging out and swimming, of course. Melissa won the Next Food Network Star, so we were all happy about that. Love you - M

  2. Hi dad!I miss you so much!Yesterday we went to wannado city. I got to be an archeologist!I am Indiana Joanie! I hope your're having a good time cause' next time you're takin' me!

    your big dog

  3. I think I may have eaten an armadillo in the last couple of days!

    Glad you are happy about Melissa. Stay at home moms unite!

    I think Neale may bring home of her own. Perhaps we could help keep a family together. Neale gets one cousin, we get the other. Trust me, they don't eat much!

    Indiana Joanie - glad you had fun. Today I played with hundreds of kids your age. I think you would have a blast helping at VBS. You would be a hit....they would all want to touch your long blond hair.

    Some of the kids were rubbing Mr. Scott's arm because it was hairy. They don't see a lot of hairy folks here, so they laughed.

    Give Clair Bear a hug, and have Daisy give you both kisses for me.
