Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Well, after all the waiting, and waiting and waiting, the containers finally showed up around 10:30. After some coordination with the drives to get the trucks to a place where we could just toss most of the supplies down the hill, we got to moving metal!

It took until about 3:45 to get all of the containers unloaded, and then we started building trusses and floor joists. There are about 80 trusses, and we completed 25 of them before dark.

I am so impressed with how hard everyone worked. I am sure there will be lots of sore people tomorrow (not just us old folks).

I would like to blog more, but I am exhausted, as dirty as I have ever been, as most of my day was up in the trucks pushing out the metal. Because the containers had to be over 100 degrees, I am sopping wet, covered in grease and dirt, with a fair amount of blood on my shirt. Steve and Tim did a lot of the heavy duty with me, and Wayne coordinated things outside the truck, where the Rwandans were distributing everything to its correct place.

Tomorrow will be a busy day. It would be great to finish the trusses (we are making them on about a 4 minute pace as of 6:00 this evening), all the floor joists, and get most of the walls at least made (but not set). We have an unbelievable amount to get done in our very short time remaining, but we are going to give it our all.

Michelle, kiss my girls. You are my rock, and I am ready to give you a hug (although I know you wouldn't do it right now - given my peculiar odor and filth).

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