Saturday, August 8, 2009

Good Bye Rwanda.....Honey, I am comming Home

Neale with the kids that watched us work today. She gave them candy, but scolded the boys for being grabby.

Me with the kids that sat near the construction site ALL day today and watched us work.

See, Dan does do a lot of work. Unfortunately, this was MY view.

Only one casualty today. Someone dropped a metal brace from about 15 feet, and it hit one of the Rwandans on the arm. He was cut pretty bad, and had to go get stitches. It was the guy Neale was working with, so she felt very bad for him.

Tonight, about 5 of us are going over to Brad's house to eat and fix a loft that has a pretty unstable floor. After that, we return to the hotel to shower, finish packing and then head to the airport around 1:15. The flight to Nairobi is about 1 1/2 hours, then a short layover and on to London. With all of the time changes, we get into London about 5:00 in the afternoon (Sunday) and leave around 12 noon on Monday. The flight from Nairobi to London is about 8 hours, as is the flight from London to Chicago.

I was working through my clothes last night (as I gave most of what I brought away to the workers today - including my tennis shoes) and discovered I should have packed more socks. I tried to get a pair washed at the hotel, but we will see if they can get them done in time. Otherwise, I am comming home with my work boots on and no socks!

It has been a good trip, but I am very tired, and am really looking forward to seeing my family.

Again, I will do at least one wrap up post upon my return.

See you all on the other side!

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